Submission Guidelines for the Journal of Applied Ethics and Philosophy
Notes to Contributors
Journal of Applied Ethics and Philosophy publishes original and unpublished regular academic papers as well as discussion papers on any issues in applied ethics and applied philosophy broadly understood.
- All submitted papers are subject to anonymous peer-review, and will be evaluated on the basis of their originality, quality of scholarship and contribution to advancing the understanding of applied ethics and philosophy.
- Papers should not exceed 8,000 words including references.
- An abstract of 150-300 words and a list of up to 5 keywords should be included at the beginning of the paper.
- Papers can be submitted at any time of the year through e-mail to . If the authors wish their papers to be included in the next volume (to be published in March 2026), however, they are advised to submit their papers by September 15th 2025.
- In-text references should be cited in standard author-date form: (Walzer 1977; Kutz 2004), including specific page numbers after a direct quotation, (Walzer 1977, 23-6).
- A complete alphabetical list of references cited should be included at the end of the paper in the following style:
- Cohen, G.A. (1989), ‘On the Currency of Egalitarian Justice’, Ethics, 99 (4): 906-44.
- Kutz, C. (2004), ‘Chapter 14: Responsibility’, in J. Coleman and S. Shapiro (eds.), Jurisprudence and Philosophy of Law, Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press, 548-87.
- Walzer, M. (1977), Just and Unjust Wars: A Moral Argument with Historical Illustrations, New York: Basic Book.
- Accepted papers will appear in both web-based electronic and printed formats.
- The editorial board reserves the right to make a final decision for publication.